Claes Oldenburg

Claes Oldenburg is a sculptor best known for his sculptures of giant-sized versions of everyday objects. Immediately I recognized his work (particularly the big spoon with the cherry)- I feel like I've done a blog on him before, perhaps? However, the last time I researched him, I was more focused on his giant sculptures instead of his work with fabric. I had no idea he even worked with fabric until the blog assignment mentioned it. Obviously, Claes plays a lot with shape and scale in his sculptures, but I was drawn to his use of texture and movement in his fabric works. He manipulates the fabric to lay a certain way, giving the sculpted object a prominent texture. This works especially well in his food sculptures, where he lays soft fabric to look like various breads/vegetables/etc. He is very loose with these fabric sculptures, and they almost look like they can be moved and manipulated like puppets.