Daniel Lismore
Daniel Lismore, in his Ted Talk performance, describes what it's like to live as a work of art. "I've never lived as Daniel Lismore the person," he claims. "I've lived as Daniel Lismore the artwork." I was immediately intrigued by this video, as Lismore wore a stunning and artistic outfit to the performance as well as bringing two mannequins along, donned in their own individual apparel. Lismore also went into the struggles of being a unique individual- how it's resulted in bullying, harassment, and even being stabbed. This connected deeply to me- just by being unique and expressing himself, Lismore faces harassment. That's a common theme in our society nowadays, the need to shove down your true self in order to fit in. Lismore is shameless about how he's viewed- he exists to create and inspire, which I highly respect.
@Kristen- this guy reminds me of Mack. I love it.
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