
Showing posts from May, 2019


One of my biggest artistic inspirations is the animated movie Spider-Man Into the Spiderverse. Sony teamed up with Marvel Studios to animate this theatrical masterpiece that drew in audiences by storm with its unique art style and compelling story.  An entirely new animation program was created just for the sake of this film. It introduced a new method of incorporating 2D elements into 3D animation, leaving it looking like a comic book brought to life. Spiderverse won an Oscar award for Best Animated Picture of 2018.  I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen this movie. I’ve bought the extended cut and scoured through all the available concept art. It’s my favorite movie not just for the wonderful story but for the beautiful artistic elements. 

3D Printing

Danny Van Ryswyk is the first artist that I chose that features 3D printing in his work. Ryswyk creates creepy, uncanny sculptures in digital modeling programs and then prints them using the three dimensional printer. His subject matter is usually eerie and mysterious, featuring some sort of gore or symbol of death. Lorna Barnshaw is another artist who uses 3D printing to create creepy, fleshy "masks". I was instantly drawn to her work and the terrifying aspects of it. To create these sculptures, Barnshaw scans faces and then proceeds to 3D print them and add color.

Jo Katsaras

Jo Katsaras is a costume designer in the TV industry. Her work is featured on "Fear of the Walking Dead". I chose her because I was instantly drawn to the idea of creating costume designs for zombies. Her work had to be practical for the human survivor characters- something they would be able to travel and fight in, while also keeping them appealing to the eye. Design elements she used included color and texture, creating an outfit that would draw in the viewers attention but also stay true to the atmosphere of the show.

Frank Stella

Hey, I share a name with this guy! Frank Philip Stella is an American painter, sculptor, and printmaker who specializes in work in the areas of abstract art and minimalism. A lot of his work depicts colorful patterns and shapes. His earlier work was more two dimensional and simple, using either monochrome colors such as black and white or rainbow colors. His later work is much more experimental and expressive in my opinion. He uses 3D elements and goes absolutely wild with the designs and patterns. I love his later work and I consider it more unique than his earlier styles.